Thursday, November 28, 2019

`Realist` and `neo Realist` international relations an Example of the Topic Psychology Essays by

`Realist` and `neo Realist` international relations theories International Relations is a vast concept of political science which deals with the behavior among all states, their governmental and non-governmental activities. After the horrible effects of World Wars 1 and 2, international relations has been a subject of many speculations disputes (Brown, 2005). Because of this, international relations paved the way for a more specific and functional academic discipline. Also, it gave way for the rise of several theories which are still under heated discussions among analysts. Two of which are the theories of realism and neo realism. Need essay sample on "`Realist` and `neo Realist` international relations theories" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Realism, or classical realism, is one of the most famous theories regarding international relations and politics. It may also be referred to as political realism because it covers a wide range of theories which all leads to the basic idea that states are motivated by the lust for economic, military and security power. Realists also hold that states are international actors who are egotistic and willing to achieve national interests rather than common good. It also means that states are more provoked to function with self-sustaining and self-protective goals in mind rather than attaining moral ethics and ideals. On the other hand, neorealism, also called structural realism, holds to the idea that states are also egoists but they are rational and work under the anarchical conditions. The state, based n this theory is a guardian of its own security and independence (Spanier, 1978). This theory works in such a way that the states main goal is to survive and outlive other states thus they live and fulfill their own interests without being subordinated by other states. Balancing, for neo realists, is a mere product of survival. And because of wanting to achieve survival, the members of the states or the people will practice their political units and resources. Furthermore, neorealists believe that in order to have full state security, the state should be well-prepared at all times for divergences which other states through economic and military upsurge. The states survival is their paramount concern because of the notion that todays friend may be tomorrows enemy in war (Baldwin, 1993). These two theories are the major strands which constitute the international relations theory but these theories, like most other theories, also have several consistencies and inconsistencies in them. First is that classical realism emerges from a very pessimistic notion about human nature. That is, classical realism presses that people are all hungry for political, economic and military power. According to Morgenthau, "each person must act selfishly, to some extent, in order to preserve himself. On the positive side, classical realism also provides the world of politics a good emphasis on political systems and that is to organize individuals into clusters that can defend their members through giving more emphasis that power relative among all and that it does not last forever. Neorealism, on the other hand, opposes the evil nature of man. Instead, the theory holds that interstate conflict does not result from the selfishness and hunger of people for power and security; rather, it blames the absence of legally binding rules as the cause of conflicts. This theory reflects the speculation of Hobbes wherein every actor is ultimately pitted against the other in pursuing his own interests (Viotti and Kaupi, 1987). Neorealists argue that due to lack of policies, states are pressured to create more competitive policies on their political and economical way of living so as to ensure security in a neutral world. But then again, neorealism negates the virtue of cooperation and taints it with reluctances, insecurities. A state would most unlikely rely on some states or collaborate with them since there is a very high risk of domination and vulnerability. Cooperation, therefore, is a very narrow and dangerous chance in these situations as what neorealists perceive. It may also occur but not in a very high degree since there is a concept of relative gains- an advantage which a state gets in a joint venture of states. Cooperation is very temporary as manifested by the convergence of the USA, UK and USSR during the peak of World War 2. Their collaboration aimed at solving a certain problem however, it all ended there and nothing more. This is because of the high risk of dangerous dependence. The concepts of these international relations theories are very much blatant in historical accounts. When there is a conflict involving a state, it is very inevitable for a leader or the state itself to pay close attention to its relative power. Such is the case of the Western Europe nations during the era when medieval forms of ruling started to disintegrate. That time, there was so much conflict and inconsistencies among the states. Neorealist ideas and concerns were also manifested in the United States during the inception of the Cold War where many analysts emphasized the negative results of the inconsistencies in interstate systems. The existences of these theories are indispensable since it actually provides the states several ideas wherein they could create a more organized political world with a set of policies and rules. The insights suggested by these theories are very ideal in creating a community of states which values, not scorns the presence of other states. Then again, these theories are very limited in terms of the assumptions about the role of men in achieving political, economic and military power. That is, neither theory can explain what would happen in case these states, instead of clashing, suddenly converges because they want to achieve certain goals in which they are completely compatible. Furthermore, what would happen if these states focus more on developing domestic considerations and building moral and ethical values rather than interstate security concerns? Limited is the best definition we can give to these theories. These theories are either beneficial or detrimental, which means that it solely depends on mans individual perception regarding these theories of international relations. REFERENCES Spanier, J. (1978). Games Nations Play: Analyzing International Politics, 3rd Ed. New York: Praeger Publishers. Baldwin, D. A.. (1993). Neorealism and Neoliberalism. New York: Columbia. Brown, Chris. (2005). International Relations. Microsoft Encarta 2005. Viotti P. and Kaupi, M. V. (1987). International Relations Theory. London: Collier Macmillan Publishers.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Assassination Attempt on Franklin D. Roosevelt

Assassination Attempt on Franklin D. Roosevelt Statistically, being the president of the United States is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, since four have been assassinated (Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy). In addition to the presidents that have actually been killed while in office, there have been a myriad of unsuccessful attempts to kill U.S. presidents. One of these happened on February 15, 1933, when  Giuseppe Zangara tried to kill President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt in Miami, Florida. The Assassination Attempt On February 15, 1933, just over two  weeks before Franklin D. Roosevelt was inaugurated as President of the United States, FDR arrived at the Bayfront Park in Miami, Florida around 9 p.m. to give a speech from the back seat of his light-blue Buick. Around 9:35 p.m., FDR finished his speech and had begun talking to some supporters who had gathered around his car when when five shots rang out. Giuseppe Joe Zangara, an Italian immigrant and unemployed bricklayer, had emptied his .32 caliber pistol at FDR. Shooting from about 25 feet away, Zangara was close enough kill FDR. However, since Zangara was only 51, he couldnt see FDR without climbing up on a wobbly chair in order to see over the crowd. Also, a woman named Lillian Cross, who stood near Zangara in the crowd, claimed to have hit Zangaras hand during the shooting. Whether it was because of bad aim, the wobbly chair, or Mrs. Crosss intervention, all five bullets missed FDR. The bullets, however, did hit bystanders. Four received minor injuries, while Chicagos Mayor Anton Cermak was mortally hit in the stomach. FDR Appears Brave During the whole ordeal, FDR appeared calm, brave, and decisive. While FDRs driver wanted to immediately rush the president-elect to safety, FDR ordered the car to stop and pick up the wounded. On their way to the hospital, FDR cradled Cermaks head on his shoulder, offering calming and comforting words which doctors later reported kept Cermak from going into shock. FDR spent several hours at the hospital, visiting each of the wounded. He came back the following day to check on the patients again. At a time when the United States desperately needed a strong leader, the untested president-elect proved himself strong and reliable in the face of crisis. Newspapers reported on both FDRs actions and demeanor, putting faith in FDR before he even stepped into the presidential office. Why Did Zangara Do It? Joe Zangara was caught immediately and taken into custody. In an interview with officials after the shooting, Zangara stated that he wanted to kill FDR because he blamed FDR and all rich people and capitalists for his chronic stomach pain. At first, a judge sentenced Zangara to 80 years in prison after Zangara pleaded guilty, saying, I kill capitalists because they kill me, stomach like drunk man. No point living. Give me electric chair.* However,  when Cermak died of his wounds on March 6, 1933 (19 days after the shooting and two days after FDRs inauguration), Zangara was charged with first-degree murder and sentenced to death. On March 20, 1933, Zangara strode to  the electric chair  unaided and then plunked himself down. His last words were Pusha da button! *Joe Zangara as quoted in Florence King, A Date Which Should Live in Irony,  The American Spectator  February 1999: 71-72.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The role of surgery and methotrexate in treating ectopic pregnancy Research Paper

The role of surgery and methotrexate in treating ectopic pregnancy - Research Paper Example ide from being the leading causes of maternal deaths, roughly 30% of women who had an ectopic pregnancy could experience difficulty getting pregnant (Sember 2007) whereas 40% of women who had ectopic pregnancy will lose their capacity to conceive again (Chow et al. 1987). To give the readers a better idea about the research topic, this report will first provide information regarding the epidemiology of ectopic pregnancy, definition of medical terms, types of ectopic pregnancy, and aims and objective of the study. Women who happened to experience going through the process of ectopic pregnancy are not only concerned about the high cost of treatments and their future fertility. For this reason, this report will focus on discussing the cost effectiveness and the impact of two surgical procedures (laparoscopy and laparotomy) and Methotrexate on women’s future fertility. Because of higher incidence of risk factors and lower incidence of protective factors, Chow et al. (1987) revealed that there is an increasing trend of ectopic pregnancy has been noted in different parts of the world including the United States over the last two decades. Specifically in Australia, the incidence wherein a woman can experience ectopic pregnancy is around 16.2 per 1,000 births (Boufous et al. 2001). Since ectopic pregnancies could lead to mortality, immediate medical interventions such as surgical procedures like laparoscopy and laparotomy including pharmacological intervention using Methotrexate is necessary to save the lives of expecting mothers. In line with this, laparoscopy, ultrasound procedures, and assay for human chorionic gonadotropin can be use in detecting early stages of ectopic pregnancy (Kurjak and Arenas, 2005, pp. 273 – 280; Chow et al. 1987). Although laparoscopy can be used in detecting ectopic pregnancy at an early stage, the use of this type of surgical method is not a requirement since ectopic pregnancy can be diagnosed with transvaginal scan combined with

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Managing in the service environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managing in the service environment - Essay Example After some years as a partner, Schultz bought Starbuck from the original owners. Immediately after taking over, he continued selling coffee beans, cheap coffee beverages by cup and he employed well educated staff to run the stores and he managed to compete successfully with other coffee chains. In 1992, Shultz take the company to the public and many people laugh at him since few people in America take coffee. He went ahead and raised $25million in the offer, this enabled him to open more stores across the country. By the end o f 2002, Starbuck was the dominant coffee seller in North America. Since the company went public, the growth increased by 40%. The company was offering services to more than 21 million across the continent with over 5000 stores that are well established. 2. How the customer services are delivered at Starbucks The company has a policy called â€Å"Just Say Yes† which has empowered the company to give the best services to their clients even if it means goin g beyond the required rules and procedures. For example if the drinks spill and the client request to be refilled, it will be refilled. If the client doesn’t have cash and he wants to pay with a Check, he will be provided with a sample drink for free since the Checks are not acceptable (Moon and Quelch 2006). The company management believes that employee satisfaction leads to customer satisfaction. For better services, when a staff member is employed, he will have to undergo two types of training. The first training will focus on hard skills such as using cash register or mixing drinks. The company beverages are crafted by hand through a certain process to ensure that what is being produced is of high quality. The other training deal with soft skills, in this the employees are taught how to deal with the customers, for example having an eye contact with them, remembering their names, and welcoming them happily to the shops. The employees are provided with health insurance and stock options to even new employees (Moon and Quelch 2006). The company is also one of the well paying food chain in America. The company has the lowest employee turn over rates as compared to other food companies. The manager stability is also paramount since it reduces partner turnover and it enables the shops to perform better by recognizing regular consumers and giving personal services. 3. Customer’s satisfaction at Starbucks and how to improve its customer satisfaction. Starbuck customer satisfaction is commendable since it provide high satisfaction to customers. Customers get the best coffee coming from different parts of the world like Africa, Asia pacific and American regions. The employees has been trained on soft skills that will help them handle customers better, this make the customers have the best time in the shops since they are highly welcomed and employees talk to them to ensure that they are satisfied. In the shops if they encounter any problem in the mode of payment, they are given sample beverages for free. Starbucks can improve customers’ satisfaction in different ways, one is consistency. The company should guarantee consistence in product taste and quality. This consistency should be driven by very high efficient coffee processing machines which are in a position of producing blended coffee without disturbing customers with noise. Secondly,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Ethnomethodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethnomethodology - Essay Example As a function of this realization, the following analysis will engage the reader with a discussion of a global village, comprised of only 100 people – with representatives from around the globe, as well as seeking to promote a further level of understanding and appreciation for the way in which a more equitable representation of life within this village could be affected. It is the hope of this author that such a level of analysis will be beneficial and eye-opening with regards to many of the issues that currently face the global system. From the prompt of this essay, it was noted that of the 100 individuals that comprise the population of this village, 50 of them would suffer from now nutrition, one of them would be dying of starvation, over 80 would live in substandard housing; moreover, of the 67 adults that would live within this village, over half of them would be unable to read or write. More specifically, only one individual within the entire village would have a colleg e education. Of the 50 individuals who were members of the paid workforce, only 33 could define themselves as full-time employees with a stable/steady job. Interestingly, of these 100 residents in such a village, only five of them would be American. Yet, these five American individuals would hold 32% of the wealth of the entire village; by means of comparison, 33 people would live on 3% of the total wealth of the village. From the statistics that have thus far been presented, it can clearly be denoted that a fundamental level of inequality and disparity is represented within such a global village. Ultimately, the query for this particular analysis is concentric upon trying to understand the way in which the wealthy five individuals could live in peace with their neighbors; serving as a microcosm for the greater argument of how the United States, a uni-polar force and dynamic economic powerhouse within the world, can continue to integrate a fair and equitable manner with the world th at suffers from inequality, poverty, hardship, lack of education, and all of the other issues that have thus far been represented. The first step that can and should necessarily be made with regards to creating a more ethical and moral approach to the global realities that define our world, is with regards to demanding a level of educational parity around the world. Since the conclusion of the Second World War, the United States and other powerful Western economies have been in the position to enforce legislation and global commands upon a litany of different nations around the globe. Invariably, these requirements have been concentric upon economic requests and constraints of financial integration. However, in order to impact upon poverty, hopelessness, starvation, and a litany of other different issues that were researched and covered within the introduction of this brief analysis, it is absolutely interval to demand a level of educational attainment and access to each of the indi viduals living within this global village. Experts and scholars have long denoted that almost each of the negative realities that currently define the inequality that exists between the very rich and the very poor are contingent upon an overall lack of access and/or a lack of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Development of an Operational Plan

Development of an Operational Plan BSBMGT517 THEORY Performance Criteria: Research, analyse and document resource requirements and develop an operational plan in consultation with relevant personnel, colleagues and specialist resource managers. Activity 1.1.1 What strategies can an organisation use to research, analyse and document resource requirements for the development of an operational plan? For the development of an operational plan, an organisation needs to be able to research, analyse and document the resources on the following points The duration of the project; when it will start and the aim of completion. This should include current and upcoming desired and clear goals. Timeframes should be set at the start with clear plans about the project. Financial resources; how much fund is currently available to sustain the project and any risk that may occur in the funding needs to be identified prior. It is important to be able to convince investors and suppliers about the plan and the resources needed to help achieve a profitable completion of the project. Human resource and other capacity requirements; evaluate the labour and the skills needed and available that are important to complete the project. It is important to consider where the human resources will come from and how many staff are required. This should include maintenance and servicing resources such as customer service. Identify the risk and evaluate mitigation strategy; what are these strategies and how to overcome if they were to arise. For instance, if there is a gap in resources, there need to be a plan to fill in the gap. So, all risks are evaluated and plans are devised to be prepared and also to minimise the occurrences of these risks. The ability to measure the performance to monitor improvements need to be available. Performance Criteria: Develop and/or implement consultation processes as an integral part of the operational planning process Activity 1.2.1 What strategies do you or could you use to consult with team members and other stakeholders to gain and utilise their input when planning a project? There are several ways available to consult with team members about their input on a project. Emails and intranet may be used as a quality assurance and a way to improve the process. It is also an efficient way to get the same message across the whole group, especially in big organisations. On the other hand, it is an approachable system to welcome any opportunities for the staff to respond and provide feedbacks. This will contribute to the planning process and goals. Also, newsletters may be used to provide the staff about the important information about the plan with open opportunities to revert back with feedbacks. Furthermore, the use of surveys, questionnaires and information sessions may help to encourage staff to respond by providing specific feedbacks about the project. Quantitative and qualitative data are gathered for the operational plan of the project. In addition, there can be meetings; formal or informal. While informal meetings can be held anytime and anywhere, formal meetings require a safe and controlled environment. Both ways aim to gather feedbacks. Another different way to consult teams members are through interviews. Structured interviews may help the management to get the feedbacks needed in regards to specific aspects of the operational plan. These are done through specific questions. A more open way to gather such feedbacks and information is through brainstorming sessions whereby new ideas and solutions are generated. These are analysed to further determine its importance. To make these sessions fruitful, it is important to always welcome and recognise the effort of all participants for bringing their input and feedbacks to the organisation. This is in order to encourage more   open participation. Performance Criteria: Ensure the operational plan includes key performance indicators to measure organisational performance Activity 1.3.1 Key performance indicators act as benchmarks against which organisational goals and performance can be measured. List several areas of a project which might have key performance indicators reflected in an operational plan? Key performance indications may be used in an operational project to build goals. Setting a realistic aim will not only help staff to work towards it but it can also be used to reflect the profit of the organisation with quantitative targets.  Ã‚   Areas of a project where key performance indicators are reflected are Targets; sales and services will all work towards reaching the target Measurement of the growth in the organisation; this can be through sales or profit Objectives to help improve the system Initiatives for growth and increase performance. Performance Criteria: Develop and implement contingency plans for the operational plan Activity 1.4.1 Contingency plans deal with unexpected events and/or occurrences, and/or when things go wrong.List several areas where contingency planning would be typical? Areas where contingency planning is important are: Outsourcing human resources/ labour to cut down the cost used mutil function or skills. Contracting out then help to get a person with special knowledge and skills to bring their input at a lower cost and some organisations may even look into this strategy when an internal department has ceased functioning. Diversification of outcomes may help towards an achievable and profitable end result when many departments help to contribute towards the final result. Since the target is spread over a larger area, increase productivity from human resources help to contribute towards a bigger outcome. Cheaper and lower quality products help to moderate the budget. Globalisation helps towards competition and cost effective strategies and therefore more profit. Increasing sales or productions will increase profit. It is important to cater needs and resources towards the customer service department providing adequate training programs. By reinforcing their skills, it will help to reach key performance indicators. Recycling and re-using is a strategy to raise the organisational social responsibility towards the environment. Many customers are more inclined to buy consciously to protect the environment from these organisations. Rental and hiring alternatives are better ways to get hold of cheap resources than buying them. Negotiation helps to save on cost on the procurement of these resources needed. Restructuring of organisation to reduce labour costs is necessary at time to reduce expenses. Sometimes, some organisations will downsize in the aim of focusing on profitable departments only. Other departments that do not sell as their service or products, are not in high demands anymore, will cease to operate. Risk identification, assessment and management processes. Unfortunately, a rise in injuries due to hazards and risks put financial stress on organisations. So in order to minimise the risks of this happening, risk assessments are performed to reduce the occurrences of injuries. Sometimes, feedbacks from staff help to work out better strategies to manage injuries and also raise awareness of the importance of staying safe. Seeking further funding is important especially when the budget available is not adequate to reach the targeted goal. Strategies for reducing costs, wastage, stock of consumable can be done by using another supplier with lower costs that is able to produce at a cheaper rate Succession planning is important to identity good potentials within the organisation who are able to fill in important roles. Performance Criteria: Ensure the development and presentation of proposals for resource requirements is supported by a variety of information sources and seek specialist advice as required Activity 1.5.1 Provide several examples of the type of information sources and or specialist that may be used or accessed in the development and presentation of proposals for resource requirements within your organisation or area of activity? Raising funds is very significant to help achieve the goal of the operational plan. Raising funds help to obtain resources such as human resources/labour, capital resources and financial resources. If more funds is needed, the organisation needs to work on further strategies to obtain such by influencing senior management and skateholders to invest in order to supply these resources and in turn, get a profitable return. Developing a business proposal is a strategic plan and needs to be appealing enough to stakeholders so they can invest in it. They need to believe in its success, hence, devising a proposal is important to demonstrate the potentials behind the project. A business proposal needs to be convincing and needs to primarily cater the needs of the stakeholders investing in it, at a higher benefit for the latter. Identifying strategic goals such as marketing strategy helps to increase the organisations market share, therefore promoting the productivity of the organisation. Human resource strategy can be used to improve staffing experiences and skills. Management strategy, through emotional intelligence, also contributes towards productivity. Similarly, technological strategy helps to improve production line. Specialist advice can come from many informative sources such as managers, marketing specialist, financial consultants, accountants, suppliers, internal and external customers and the sales team. Customers feedbacks are also important to cater better needs and improve on the product efficiency. Presentation is the key to selling a business operational plan. The use of graphs helps to visually demonstrate costs, contingency plans and risk management plans and strategies to fund the plan. The more the organisations goals and benefits are reiterated and are made believable, the more comfortable the stakeholders will feel about investing in it. Performance Criteria: Obtain approval for the plan from relevant parties and explain the plan to relevant work teams Activity 1.6.1 From whom within your organisation or area of activity would you need to gain agreement and or endorsement for the approval of the operational plan, and once approved how would this information be provided to work teams and other stakeholders? An operational plan needs to be presented to the executives of the hospital, the director of nursing and the Chief executive officer for approval. It is usually via a systematic approach where justification is provided for the required funding. Each ward managers get to present their ideas and plans and relevant funding is then distributed according to their priorities. The decision is mostly based on the values and missions of the hospital. For instance, if funding is required to improve something important on the ward that has direct impact on the safety of the customers, it is more likely to be granted. Any ideas that will help to improve the risk management strategies will be taken seriously. Henceforth, it is important for managers to present their case in such a way that their operational plan is considered in accordance with the hospitals goals. Generally, once approved, the information is then passed on to the staff in the form of informal meetings, generally held every Thursday and also by email, so that the same information is delivered to every employee of the department. Flyers and newsletters are also posted on the common notice boards so everyone gets acquainted with the approval of the operational plan. Performance Criteria: Develop and implement strategies to ensure that employees are recruited and/or inducted within the organisations human resources management policies, practices and procedures Activity 2.1.1 What strategies could you use to ensure team members are clear about their roles and responsibilities as well as the requirements of the operational plan? Firstly, the team member gets to be acquainted to the roles needed prior to applying for it. Jobs and roles are advertised with specified skills needed and the employee gets to apply in relation of the demands and skills they can offer to the organisation. A resume is sent to the organisation and a selection process is undertaken in the form of an interview. This first step through applying and being recruited give the team members a clear perception about their roles and the responsibilities that are expected from them. The second step whereby the team members get acquainted to their roles is through an acceptance offer, a contract. Through a contract, the employer, through the Human Resource department, get to elaborate in writing about the roles and responsibilities of the employee. This contract is dully signed and returned to the Human Resource department as an agreement and acceptance of the roles and responsibilities required. The contract or acceptance letter has descriptive information: The dynamics of the workplace The role description in accordance to the mission and the values The collective agreement under the fair work act The hours or work, the flexibility of work and the remuneration The position description and title The allowances The superannuation The leave entitlements The period of probation/ engagement The commitment to performance review The policies and procedures The employee conduct; professional behaviour and attitude Variation to the terms of employment Confidentiality of the workplace The property of the employer The third step whereby the employee gets acquainted to the expected roles and responsibilities is through an induction of the workplace. An orientation or supernumerary time allows them to understand the dynamics of their department and the goal of the operational plan. Performance Criteria: Develop and implement strategies to ensure that physical resources and services are acquired in accordance with the organisations policies, practices and procedures Activity 2.2.1 Provide several examples of the type of strategies which might be required to ensure specific resource needs policies, procedures and practices? Strategies are in place to ensure physical resources and services are gained in accordance with the organisations policies, practices and procedures. These are: Supplier relationship; a good framework to strengthen important relationships. Being able to understand, analyse and focus on suppliers relationships help to be productive, efficient and compete in the market. It is important to identify how the supplier has an impact on monetary outcomes. Points to be considered are; what the suppliers are looking in the relationship, the way the supplier is used by the organisation and how it affects the organisations relationships with other suppliers. Purchasing; the supplier is the expert on the product and hence knowledge can be used from them for decision making processes and increasing performance. Choices are between purchasing internally or externally. Transport; cost effective strategies to save on storing, delivering and suppling the goods. The operations strategies can be sought from the supplier to handle and improve key relationships Networking; available contacts and resources that can be relied on to either get information or improve productivity. Relationship costs; surviving the impact of globalisation. It is important to minimise the procurement costs such as transport and customer service. The relationship benefits; what the organisation needs, the cost it incurs for these needs e.g. equipments, labour and cost of the products and services determine the benefits for the organisation. Obviously, a low operational, production and administration cost is more favorable and incurs less expenses. Revenue is then higher and can in return meet the demands of the customers. Clear communication; clear and concise. This helps to make sure the supplier and the organisation both knows what is expected and they can both work towards the same goal. Honesty; a reliable team. This favours good managerial relationship and each party is then accountable to fulfill their duties and promises, in turn enhancing the relationship. Practices and procedures are also taken into account in order to incorporate The culture of the organisation The guidelines of the organisation which determines operational functions such as human and physical resources Operating procedures and policies Undocumented practices in line with the operations Clear purchase orders to prove reliability and efficiency. Performance Criteria: Recognise and incorporate requirements for intellectual property rights and responsibilities in recruitment and acquisition of resources and services Activity 2.3.1 Requirements and responsibilities for intellectual property rights is an important part of the business environment, an organisations are wise to take steps to protect their own intellectual property, and also to honour the intellectual property rights of organisations from whom they have acquired relevant resources. When acquiring resources and services, it is important to acquaint to the intellectual propertys rights and responsibilities. Non-compliance to the later may result in legal consequences. For instance, material obtained from the internet may involve serious copyright issues. These unlawful accesses involve breaching the intellectual property of the involved organisation. Intellectual property is usually protected by many policies, procedures to reinforce the rights of acquisition. Policies, procedures and information include licensing agreements, information to ensure copyright protection, licensing agreements, procedures to register intellectual property rights or assets. Many organisations have policy in place to govern and manage ownership of intellectual property in an effective, efficient and ethical manner. These policies may include an explanation of any terminology relating to the property, mention of the relevant legislation, the types of intellectual property, disclosure of the property, information about marketing, commercialisation or licensing of the intellectual property and information if infringement happens. Another way of protecting intellectual properties is by licensing agreements for instance, a licensing document. These are devised to allow the owner to agree to terms and conditions and the other party to comply with the agreement. The ownership is thus maintained and it is beneficial for both parties. A license can cover product development, the manufacture, the marketing and the sales. Another form of licensing is franchising whereby distribution of goods and services occur with agreed terms between the owner of the intellectual property and the party paying to access the rights over the intellectual properties. Copyright is another way of protecting intellectual property to maintain the initial creativity of an idea or concept, be it on paper or electronically. A copyright notice clarifies the ownership of the intellectual property restricting its reproduction without permission. Trade marks can also be used to protect intellectual property. Prior to applying for registrations, online database needs to be scrutinised to make sure there is no similar product. Once cleared, the trade mark is then published in the Official Journal of Trade Marks whereby opponents may dispute its originality. If no oppositions are made, the application will go forward. There are several ways to register intellectual property assets. For instance, designs can be registered through the Australia Official Journal of Designs, Patents through the Australian Official Journal of Patents; Trademarks through the Australian Official Journal of Trademarks and Plant breeders through the Official Journal of plant breeders rights. Performance Criteria: Develop, monitor and review performance systems and processes to assess progress in achieving profit and productivity plans and targets Activity 3.1.1 How can you monitor and review the outcomes and achievements of operational plan against intended benchmarks and KPIs? There are several ways of monitoring and reviewing the outcomes and achievements of operational plans against benchmarks and KPIs. These are Quality assessment; gathering collective data to measure and analyse performance such as   observing service delivery, focusing on client method, auditing individual records, reviewing the data from an information system, testing a group, health worker interview, patient interview. Devising a quality monitoring system; data and design monitoring tools. This is in order to see the trend in indicators and monitor progress. Data are also used to identify any problems in the system that may be the result of poor performance. Three ways data are used; placing them in tabs, analysing them and interpreting them. This is later used in managerial decisions. External evaluation; process by which an external body provide feedback about an organisation performance. This can be done via an audit of in health care; accreditation. Certification is then required to acknowledge the competence and legal requirements of a group or organisation. Performance appraisals; a way for the management and HR department to provide feedbacks about the performance of their employee. This is instantaneously undertaken whereby the real time reports are given to employee about their performance. Managers are able to assess if their employees have been competent in undertaking tasks or organisational requirements. This is a systematic approach to evaluate the standard of an employee and also help to determine any increase in pay or promotions. It also helps to identify professional developments needs and set future goals to work towards better productivity. Process appraisal; a way to assess the functional and operational resources. This is to identify the equipment that are failing or need improvements, the tasks that are time consuming and the risk and hazards of the workplace. For quality improvement and to enhance productivity, these resources are maintained on a regular basis to make sure it wont slow down the line of productivity. Cost and variations in the process of maintenance is also evaluated to assess how these factors   are significant in order to   achieve quality improvement. Performance Criteria: Analyse and interpret budget and actual financial information to monitor and review profit and productivity performance Activity 3.2.1 What role do you or would you play in the development of a budget for an operational your organisation or area of activity, and who has final approval of this budget? Once the budget is approved, it is important to keep all the financial decisions and information involved such as the: Budget; all the expenses incurred The ratio analysis The forecast about the future expenses The cash flow statements The profit and loss statement The balance sheets of crediting and debiting cash The investments and liability reports. There are several factors that may affect the budget and so, it is important to keep a record of these factors and variations such as the changes to legislative requirements and innovations. To be financially aware will help guard any unforeseen circumstances. Financial reports help to justify profit or loss statement that will show the trend in productivity or fraudulent transactions. Performance Criteria: Identify areas of under-performance, recommend solutions and take prompt action to rectify the situation Activity 3.3.1 What strategies could you use to ensure team members are clear about their roles and responsibilities and to address under-performance issues? To ensure team members are clear about their roles and responsibilities, it is often useful to methodically raise questions that will help them to evaluate possible issues and devise solutions themselves. This is done by action learning. It helps a team to conduct a project with continuous improvements, assistance where needed and ongoing feedbacks.   The team will have a definition of the actual issue and appropriate awareness and solutions. This helps to understand organisational change and understand throughout a work group culture. It brings along new ideas and skills beneficial for the organisation. The team develops values such as openness, trust, collaboration, team spirit and cultural diversity and respect. Action learning highlights that mistakes do occur and helps the team to tolerate and action them. Likewise, action learning can be used to identify under-performance issues. An effective and quick strategy is to make sure that any changes do not deviate from the actual operational and strategic plan. Action learning helps to identify and recognise these changes with appropriate solutions. However, problems do not always arise from the process. There are many external factors that may interrupt the dynamics of action learning such as attitude, conflicted understanding or another group with performance issues. Performance Criteria: Plan and implement systems to ensure that mentoring and coaching are provided to support individuals and teams to effectively, economically and safely use resources Activity 3.4.1 What strategies do you or could you use to implement systems which ensure that mentoring and coaching are provided to team members in a safe, productive and economical manner? External parties to coach staff may be time consuming and expensive. Sometimes, it is best to allocate a mentor in order to save on cost and time. The mentor may need to perform a skill gap analysis to spot any gaps in performance, devise and demonstrate the desired expectations of performance to meet goals and eliminate any gaps. In order to be productive, mentors need to focus on their team and support each individuals growth. The manager needs to also identify whether the problem comes from the unawareness of the team regarding the goals or whether it is from a specific individual performance. If the issue comes from performance, coaches should be used to teach the group. On the other hand, if the issue is from a behavioural standard such as lack of confidence, then a mentor must be allocated to cater the specific individual need to improve his performance. This is safe and productive as mentors have specific targets to improve the success and performance of an individual and coac hes deliver skills to tackle tasks, challenges and works expectations. Both coaches and mentors are usually selected from members within the organisation. This is because they already understand the dynamics of the workplace and have the skills required to change performance challenges. It is important for both mentors and coaches to provide ongoing feedback and support the staff members. Coaches are normally leaders that need to use their authority to make sure all workers comply with the expected standard of performance. Their coaching is rather task related and will expect the individual to perform at the required level to improve their knowledge, skills and abilities to perform a task. Performance Criteria: Negotiate recommendations for variations to operational plans and gain approval from designated persons/groups Activity 3.5.1 From what stakeholders within your organisation or area of activity would you need to gain agreement and or endorsement from for variations to operational plans? Prior to gaining agreement or endorsement for operational plans, it is important to consult the following team for approval The policy and procedure committee depending on its relevance Standards committee in association with the topic that is involved The workplace healthy and safety manager and advisor to maintain a safe environment while undertaking these variations in the operational plan The board of executives for approval: CEO, coordinators, director of nursing and managers The staff of the designated department to make sure the operational plans is well understood prior to commencement Performance Criteria: Develop and implement systems to ensure that procedures and records associated with documenting performance are managed in accordance with organisational requirements Activity 3.6.1 What sort of records an information are required for the operational plan for your organisation or area of activity? Documentation is the main form of records in our organisation. In the healthcare industry, it is important to maintain ongoing documentation. This applies in the human resource sector, the billing sector, the booking sector, the nursing department and others. Records of the improvement processes help to measure performance and also innovation. Documentation such as operational plans, strategic goals, contingency plans, job advertisement, quality improvements, staff appraisals, leaves approval and the care of patients are highly recommended. For every step, there are specific forms designated to assist the organisation in keep records. Once completed with the approval, these forms are kept as per the policy of the organisation and filed away. For instance, any medical records go through a system of scanning and software storage for an indefinite period. This is safe with an optimum level of security   which is electronically verified.   Future generations can access these document s anytime and some data may be important not only for improvements but raising awareness of previous mistakes, so history doesnt get repeated.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Global Warming - We CAN Make a Difference Essay -- Greenhouse Gases Ef

Global Warming - We CAN Make a Difference What is global warming, and how is it affecting the Earth and its inhabitants? The greenhouse effect and global warming both correspond with each other. The green house effect is incoming solar radiation that passes through the Earth's atmosphere and heats the earths surface. It absorbed much of the outgoing infrared radiation re-radiated by the Earths surface. As they absorb the infrared the atmosphere becomes warmer. The gases key to this process are water vapor and carbon dioxide and methane. The natural greenhouse effect has kept the Earth's average surface temperature around 33 degrees Celsius, warmer than it would be if there were no atmosphere. The natural gases in the greenhouse effect are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone (O3), as well as other trace gases. Life could not exist if there was no natural greenhouse effect. The reason for the natural greenhouse effect is so that all the creatures living on Earth can live and breathe. The global warming refers to a long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth. The greenhouse effect may be what is causing the temperature on the Earth to rise, and creating many problems that will begin to occur in the coming decades. What are potential consequences to high global air temperature? The warning will be the greatest at the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, with the largest temperature rises occurring in winter. Storms would become more severe all around the world. The Northern Hemisphere will dry out and a greater occurrence of lightning strikes will set massive forest fires. The burning of the Earth by natural and man-made forest fires will release large quantities of carbon dioxide into ... ...ler, Mercedes and Honda are working on hybrid cars that use two engines, one electric and the other gas-powered. They successfully combine the speed and range of a gas-fueled car with the eco-friendly benefits of an electric one. Plant materials and animal waste is being used to produce cleaner fuels such as ethanol and methanol. In addition to sugars and corn kernels new woods and grasses are being grown to produce alcohol fuels. Municipal solid waste is already being drilled to collect methane. The methane can then be gasified to produce clean-burning hydrogen, or fermented into ethanol. All of these things together can make a huge impact on our Earth and our atmosphere. I think that man is the primary cause of global warming and we can do something about it. But if we continue to live as we do now, there could be major consequences to suffer in the future.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Open Racism

When I think about is racism still alive today, a particular poem comes into mind its entitled:â€Å"Racism Is Around Me Everywhere†. | | â€Å"Of human ignorance I am almost in despair For racism is around me everywhere But like they say sheer ignorance is bliss Just like Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Some people carry their honor in a flag And of their Nationality they brag They feel superior and they differentiate And against those who are different they discriminate. So many people still judged by their race For such there never ought to be a place ‘A fair go' those untruthful words I do recallThere is no such a thing as a ‘fair go for all'. Though we live in a so called democracy Of racism we never will be free They judge you by where you come from and the color of your skin For many equality and respect seems impossible to win. It's been awhile since the days of Martin Luther King His name to it has a familiar ring If against racism he did not choose to strive Today the great man he would be alive. So many holding the reins of power not spiritually aware And racism is around me everywhere And racism only leads to division and war Just goes to show how ignorant some are. † (Frances Duggar) | |Racism is a belief held by some that there are characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racism and discrimination have been used as powerful weapons encouraging fear or hatred of others in times of conflict and war, and even during economic downturns. For people throughout the world, the election of Barak Obama to the U. S. presidency seemed to signal in a new era, that of the end of racism. Indeed, Obama's election was a momentous occasion and, one would have hoped, a milestone on the road to reconciliation.However, some recent, very ominous events cast a worrisome veil over the democratic process in the United States. These events poin ts out how racism is still a problem in the United States. Racism occurs often times out of fear. Many people fear what is different to them and what they do not know. This in turn, makes it scary when you see people who look different than you do and sometimes, you treat those individuals differently because you do not know them. Racism occurs in different facets of society. Schools, the government and the workplace are sometimes the worst examples of racism.Racism in schools Millions of African American and Latino young people in the United States don’t get an education equal to that of most whites, partly because the urban schools they go to don’t have as much money as the schools in the white suburbs. This is because the country has decided that much of the money for schools should come from local property taxes. So in communities where the houses and businesses are less expensive, the schools don’t get enough money to provide a high quality education. This is unfair. This is institutional racism.If we financed schools differently every student, regardless of his or her â€Å"race†, could go to a high quality school that was the equal of the schools other students attend. The Government Hurricane Katrina: The government had known for years that a big hurricane was likely to cause dangerous flooding in New Orleans. The plans they made didn’t include any way to get poor people (predominately African Americans) out of the city to safety. When the storm and the flooding did come with Hurricane Katrina in 2005, much of the country saw on TV that thousands of people of color were stranded in the city without food, water, housing or safety.The government was incredibly slow to rescue people, to provide food and shelter, and to help them rebuild their houses. Many people believe that if those stranded had been mostly white people the rescue efforts would have been much quicker and effective. Racism in the Workplace Racism in the form of discrimination persists in society also. A case in point is that blacks have traditionally suffered from higher rates of unemployment than whites. In June 2009, black employment was at 15. 3 % compared to an 8. 8% unemployment rate for whites. Do blacks simply not take the initiative that whites do to find work?Studies indicate that, in actuality, discrimination likely contributes to the black-white unemployment gap. (Thompson) Critics will say how can racism still exists with the election of the United States first black president. Since President Obama took office he has been a rise of subtle racism against our president. It can be seen in the supporters of the new â€Å"birthers† movement, who stir up doubts about Obama's citizenship. During the 2008 presidential campaign, there was no impetus to question John McCain’s birthplace even though it was common knowledge that McCain was born in Panama; because he is white.The president’s birthplace should n ot have been an issue at all but yet to this day you still have a lot of Americans who still question his birthplace. Critics also say with electing our first minority president, and minorities reaching higher levels of education, obtaining more earnings and more distinguished careers, one might infer that prejudice is dead. I contend that it is alive and flourishing while lurking beneath the shadows of figures that naturally inflate with the growth of a burgeoning society.If racism does not exist then what accounts for â€Å" the wide range of disparities that still exist in society, most of which show black Americans with worse outcomes than whites in areas such as income, home ownership, health and employment,† study researcher Samuel Sommers, a psychologist at Tufts University, said in a statement. When most Americans think of racism they think of the open racism back in the Civil Rights movement and during slavery times when crosses were burned in African-American yards. They think of the KKK when they think of racism which was upfront and in your face. The fact that the KKK and groups such as these that still exist prove the point that racism still occurs in the United States. While racism may not be as widespread as before, it exists, without a doubt. While we like to think that those unfortunate days of racism are behind us, it still exists. Today, racism is much less obvious and less prevalent. However, we are still reminded that racism is alive and well, and we must continue working to do away with it.Every day in the news there are stories dealing with the unfair treatment of minorities, women, and gays. America is the best country in the world because of the opportunity given to every individual and because of its constant struggle for equality of all. Any person, of any race, creed, or religion can succeed with hard work and determination. The problem is that the level of those individual’s success is sometimes determined, by the colo r of their skin. The race for social equality is persistent here, but there are still problems with the system.So, unfortunately racism does still exist today in the United States. References William-White, L. , & White, J. (2011). Color Marks the Site/Sight of Social Difference: Dysconscious Racism in the â€Å"Age of Obama†. Qualitative Inquiry, 17(9), 837. Retrieved December 12, 2011, from Research Library. (Document ID: 2495960131). William March. (16 May). Researcher: Evidence shows racism in opposition to Obama. McClatchy – Tribune Business News,. Retrieved December 12, 2011, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 2348227321). Thompson Matthew (2011).Does Racism still exist today? Answers from Men. Retrived December 12, 2011 http://www. answersfrommen. com/2011/01/does-racism-still-exist-today/ Mosser, K. (2011). An introduction to logic. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. (https://content. ashford. edu) Pappas Stephanie. (2001) Study: Whites say they are racists’ victims. Retrieved December 12, 2011. http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2011/05/24/scitech/main20065864. shtml http://poemhunter. com/poem/racism-is-around-me-everywhere/ http://www. politicususa. com/en/political-racism

Friday, November 8, 2019

Contemporary essays

Contemporary essays It is a very exciting time to be involved in art. The contemporary art world has exploded into a cacophony of anything-goes themes and ideas. This provides problems for standards and conventional schools of wisdom, but at the same time, it results in a more stimulating and enriching artistic climate. As much as can be said against contemporary art, one has to admit that the relinquishing of old standards has been beneficial to the artist and the art viewer. What is really interesting is that now, as the Whitney Biennial shows us, works that would have been previously dismissed as too traditional are again being taken seriously because they are no longer a hierarchical standard, rather they are just another choice that the artist has in his repertoire. To abandon tradition temporarily in order to induce change is obviously necessary. But to permanently refuse to accept work that seems similar to a traditional style is blind and contrived. So it is refreshing to see this change in the new world of art. The fact that currently you can see a realistic oil on canvas in the same exhibition as a video installation is an uplifting reality. The playing field is truly open, well at least more open then it ever has been. As a young artist it is extremely overwhelming and extremely exciting to be in an art world that more then ever seems to be steering towards anarchy. One of the current themes in contemporary art is that of the psychedelic palette. The psychedelic theme frequently extends beyond the use of color. Fred Thomasellis work is a good example of more literal or direct referencing of psychedelic materials. What interests me is the work that responds, in a nostalgic way, to the extreme color relationships of the psychedelic era as opposed to work that conceptually responds to psychedelia. One of my favorite example of this nostalgic color is in the painted installation assume vivid astro focus ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Middle Colonies Essays

Middle Colonies Essays Middle Colonies Essay Middle Colonies Essay Essay Topic: Middle School The North American Colonies are split up into three sub colonies; the sub colonies are the New England Colony, the Middle Colony, and the Southern Colony. The New England Colony consists of Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. The Middle Colony consists of Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. The Southern Colony consists of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The economies that developed in these three areas are very different. The New England Colony economy was based on shipbuilding, fishing, lumbering, and small-scale subsistence farming. The Middle Colony developed an economy based on shipbuilding, small-scale farming, trading, and eventually, manufacturing. The Southern Colony was almost entirely based on agriculture. The Middle Colony was the most productive in their economic role in the thirteen colonies because of the amount of work produced, the type of work that was done, and the money generated. The Middle Colony was most productive because they had the best climate for the different types of economic activities. The New England Colony developed an economy based on shipbuilding, fishing, lumbering, and small-scale subsistence farming. The natural resources of the New England Colony include trees, whales, fish, and furs. Fish and other seafood are exported to Spain, Portugal, and the West Indies through the Columbian Exchange to make large profits. The seafood includes clams, lobsters, oysters, fish, and whales. Whaling also makes a big profit because so many parts of the whale are used. The long cold winters and poor soil made farming difficult. The good amounts of timber encouraged their own ship building and trading. Harbors caused sea trade to increase and become a great source of wealth. The alarming development and aggressiveness of great capitalists and corporations, unless checked, will inevitably lead to the pauperization and hopeless degradation of the toiling masses. It is imperative, if we desire to enjoy the full blessings of life, that a check be placed upon unjust accumulation, and the power for evil of aggregated wealth. † The Middle Colony was the most productive out of all three of them. The Middle Colony developed economies based on shipbuilding, small-scale farming, trading, and eventually, manufacturing. The tolerance of religion resulted in the Middle Colony’s success as the commercial center of the North American Colony. The Middle Colony was also known as the bread basket of the thirteen colonies because of their large grain export. Factories in Maryland produced iron and factories in Pennsylvania produced paper and textiles. Trade with England was plentiful in these colonies as well. Manufacturing in the Middle Colony included iron ore products like tools, kettles, nails and plows and huge blocks of iron to export to Britain. Also manufacturing was a very big industry; they made-clocks, watches’, guns, locks, cloth, and hats. Trade in the Middle Colony included exported agricultural products and natural resources, imported European manufactured goods, but never they developed triangular trade routes. The Southern Colony is the least productive of them all because they do not do the work themselves. Virginia and the other Southern Colony developed economies in the eastern coastal lowlands based on large plantations that grow â€Å"cash crops† such as tobacco, rice, and indigo for export to Europe through the Atlantic slave trade. It ought readily to be conceded that the cultivation of the earth–as the primary and most certain source of national supply–as the immediate and chief source of subsistence to man– as the principal source of those materials which constitute the nutriment of other kinds of labor–as including a state most favorable to the freedom and indepen dence of the human mind–one, perhaps, most conducive to the multiplication of the human species–has intrinsically a strong claim to pre-eminence over every other kind of industry. The main feature of the South was the plantation, a large plot of land that contained a great amount of acres of farmland and buildings in which the people lived on, who owned the land and the people who worked the land. Over time the south developed the idea of slavery and it became a key part of the southern economy. During the 17th and 18th centuries many Negro slaves from Africa were brought to the South to work on the plantations. The slaves had no rights of their own. Some Southern Colonies passed laws saying that the Africans could be bought and sold as slaves. The economy grew increasingly dependent on slavery and revolved around the southern society. The economic and social classes became more separated. In addition, the climates of these three areas played a major factor in the economy of these colonies. The climate of the New England Colony was colder than the other two set of Colonies because it is the farthest north. The geography of the New England Colony consists of many hills and rocky soil, and allowed for several growing seasons and supported cash crops. The partly unglaciated Middle Colonies enjoyed fertile soil vastly different from the nearby New England Colonies, which contained more rocky soil. Broad navigable rivers of relaxed current like the Susquehanna River, the Delaware River, and the Hudson River attracted diverse business. The climate in the Middle Colony was relatively warmer than the New England Colony, allowing for a longer growing season. The geography of the Southern Colony is rich soil. The growing season lasted for seven or eight months. The many waterways along the southern coast formed the tidewater region. The geography allowed the plantation owners to produce large amounts of crops, which allowed the owners to expand their plantations, buy more slaves, and further increase their wealth. My conclusion is that the Middle Colony was the most productive of the Colony. The Middle Colony was the most productive in their economic role in the thirteen colonies because of the amount of work produced the work that was done and the money that came in. The Middle Colony was most productive because the main feature was the industries, in which everyone had a job and worked for mass production. The Middle Colony depended on the people and not there slaves to cultivate the land for them. The people in the Middle Colony did all the work themselves, and due to the location had many advantages over the New England Colony and the Southern Colony. The 13 American Colonies Part 2: Characteristics of the Colonies. Social Studies for Kids. Web. 17 Mar. 2010. . The 13 American Colonies Part 2: Characteristics of the Colonies. Social Studies for Kids. Web. 6 Mar. 2010. . Alexander Hamilton, Report on Manufactures. History Web Pages. Web. 6 Mar. 2010. . HADC Preamble and Declaration of Principles of the Knights of Labor of America. Chicago History Museum |. Web. 6 Mar. 2010. . Life in Middle Colonies. East Buchanan Community Schools. Web. 6 Mar. 2010. . Middle and Southern Colonies, Slavery in the Southern Colonies, Map of the Southern Colonies, New England Middle and Southern Colonies, Maps of the Southern Colonies, Geography of the Southern Colonies, Southern Colonies Climate, Southern Colonies Economy, American Southern Colonies,

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Basic Principle of Finite Element Analysis Case Study

The Basic Principle of Finite Element Analysis - Case Study Example The distribution of meshes is based on the type of problem. If a location requires very refined analysis this region could have very fine meshes (Widas, 1997). A typical finite element application is shown below. Here, the finite element model of the problem is shown in figure 1. The material is divided into small triangle shaped elements and hence it can be said that the body is meshed using triangular elements. The FEA software consists of different type of elements that could be used in the analysis. The element refers to the geometrical shapes that are used to mesh the system. Some of the types of elements used usually used are rod elements, beam elements, plate/shell/composite elements and Solid elements The process of dividing the problem element into the fine grids is known as meshing. The mesh would consist of similar elements or a combination of different elements. Like for an irregular body the using square or rectangular elements might be useful in proper division of the domain space into small elements. This disadvantage shall be overcome by a different type of elements like triangular elements to wards the boundary or irregular side for proper geometrical matching between the finite element model and the actual physical body. ... This disadvantage shall be overcome by a different type of elements like triangular elements to wards the boundary or irregular side for proper geometrical matching between the finite element model and the actual physical body. Another important aspect that needs to be considered is the size of meshes that are used for the process of discretisation. The size of meshes could be course, large and well spread, or fine, small size and closer placed.  

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Generation Limbo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Generation Limbo - Essay Example The current job crisis is a problem that requires critical thinking. To deal with this reality, I will have an open mind concerning which job I can do. I will have to accept any kind of work outside law field. In the event that nothing is forthcoming, I will initiate personal project, for example, open a fast food shop. I believe trying my hand at entrepreneurship will help me to face the problem of job crisis bravely. With the current state of the job market, no single graduate feels safe after graduating because of dwindling job opportunities. Like any other graduate, I must admit that I am very anxious and stressed at the same time about my future. I have invested a lot in education and failing to get a job would be very disastrous. In my opinion, college can help graduates by forming an alliance with various employers so that when students graduate, they can have direct links to potential employers. Also, establishing guidance and counseling program to deal with unemployment challenges can help reduce the level of stress among